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Wedding Videography
and Photography

Available in Nebraska

Pluvia Studios strives to create the best wedding media experience you can ask for.
Our passion and commitment to tailoring your love story is key to bringing excitement while reliving your special day.

Groom and Bride under Umbrella
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White Wedding Altar

Wedding videographers and photographers available!

Omaha - Bellevue - Carleton - Cambridge - Enders - Wisner - Guide Rock - Ainsworth - Pierce - Waterbury - Fordyce - Davey - Rockville - Daykin - Melia - Tarnov - Abie - Palmyra - Howard City (Boelus) - Cordova - Denton - Scotia - Barneston - Halsey - West Point - Oakland - Morse Bluff - Alliance - Manley - Bridgeport - Glenwood - Lewellen - Glenvil - Eagle - Madrid - Mason City - Blair - Newport - Magnet - Byron - Bushnell - Naponee - Arcadia - North Bend - Lakeview - Bristow - Allen - Memphis - Palisade - Loup City - Friend - Trenton - Chalco - Agnew - Diller - Battle Creek - Pickrell - Cozad - Kilgore - Lamar - Blue Hill - Marquette - Dwight - Campbell - King Lake - Franklin - Inavale - Nickerson - Beacon View - Winnetoon - Potter - Papillion - Oak - Wynot - Davenport - Newman Grove - Steinauer - Beatrice - Union - Beaver City - Burwell - Clarks - Loretto - McCool Junction - Crab Orchard - Benkelman - Brunswick - Pleasanton - Waverly - Grand Island - Crete - Indianola - Louisville - Du Bois - Gering - Verdon - Pawnee City - Clarkson - Ravenna - Auburn - Alma - Wood River - Neligh - McGrew - Wauneta - Mullen - Osceola - Prague - Smithfield - Falls City - Wausa - Cornlea - Emerson - St. Paul - David City - Weston - Stamford - Snyder - Bennington - Otoe - Tobias - Wann - Naper - Hooper - Crawford - Firth - Edison - Bee - Hartington - Broadwater - Sholes - Johnson - Moorefield - Melbeta - Tekamah - Plymouth - White Clay - Berea - Leigh - Oshkosh - Syracuse - Sterling - Page - Clay Center - Garland - Prosser - Tamora - Parks - Raeville - Woodland Park - Thedford - Bartlett - Harvard - Dixon - Boys Town - Republican City - Martinsburg - Waco - Stratton - Bassett - Funk - Max - Oconto - Lodgepole - Rising City - Holbrook - Hemingford - Duncan - Liberty - Bladen - Malcolm - Nemaha - Overland - Eustis - Wakefield - Fairmont - Venango - Inland - Staplehurst - Dakota City - Taylor - Weeping Water - Nebraska City - Seward - Curtis - Sutton - Colon - Shubert - Brewster - Endicott - Hampton - Ayr - Phillips - Lisco - Spencer - Minatare - Center - Giltner - Springfield - Osmond - Champion - Beemer - Macy - Lorton - Royal - Hendley - Fontanelle - Kennard - Elm Creek - Sumner - Lyman - Fort Calhoun - Gurley - Dunning - McCook - Bruno - Paxton - Tecumseh - Raymond - Benedict - Garrison - Gross - La Platte - Cedar Bluffs - Wayne - Dunbar - O'Neill - Washington - Homer - Dalton - Elba - Overton - Chapman - Arthur - Stanton - Gibbon - Lemoyne - Monowi - Maywood - Holstein - Western - Burton - Elsie - Wilber - Odell - Madison - Loomis - Miller - Gilead - Arlington - Jansen - Jackson - Atkinson - Bazile Mills - Ong - Shelby - Fullerton - Julian - Columbus - Bancroft - Clatonia - Winslow - Dodge - Elyria - Laurel - Belvidere - Sidney - Lyons - Verdigre - Ashland - Richland - Hay Springs - Merriman - Inglewood - Ewing - Hubbard - St. Edward - Imperial - St. Libory - Wahoo - Stockville - Bertrand - Avoca - Burchard - Crookston - Thayer - Willow Island - Petersburg - St. Helena - Culbertson - Humphrey - Atlanta - Offutt AFB - Dawson - Norfolk - Lawrence - Eddyville - Schuyler - Talmage - Morrill - Cheney - Valparaiso - Douglas - Murdock - Lindsay - Doniphan - Exeter - Orleans - Emmet - Hadar - Bellwood - Farnam - Heartwell - Grafton - Lexington - Octavia - Callaway - Plattsmouth - Stapleton - Foster - York - Cody - Creston - Stockham - Milligan - Meadow Grove - Hildreth - Nehawka - Hallam - Oxford - Terrytown - Walthill - Randolph - Greeley Center - Niobrara - Ashton - Elk Creek - Merna - Edgar - Wallace - Ralston - Lushton - Utica - Ames - Mitchell - Aurora - Monroe - Keystone - Lindy - Surprise - Sunol - Upland - Hayes Center - Concord - Bartley - Mead - Peru - Martin - Clearwater - Kenesaw - Rulo - Uehling - Hamlet - Ragan - Ruskin - Preston - Valley - Cairo - Alda - Ogallala - Reynolds - Kimball - Juniata - Crofton - Thurston - Geneva - Hershey - Silver Creek - Lewiston - Roca - Princeton - Tilden - Shickley - Yankee Hill - Berwyn - Hastings - Brownville - Bradshaw - Odessa - Riverton - Craig - Alvo - Carroll - Blue Springs - Ohiowa - Emerald - Chambers - Genoa - Oakdale - Orchard - Creighton - Brule - Chadron - La Vista - Hebron - Cook - Polk - Riverdale - Archer - Clinton - Santee - Bennet - Pilger - Hoskins - Seneca - Brock - Bloomington - Scribner - Lynch - Goehner - Fairbury - Valentine - Minden - Superior - Belgrade - Barada - Norman - Fairfield - Hardy - Maxwell - Belmar - Burr - Butte - Primrose - Hubbell - Hazard - Anoka - Nora - Virginia - Sprague - Roscoe - Hyannis - Decatur - Lebanon - Waterloo - Haigler - Pleasant Dale - Trumbull - Gandy - Tryon - Ord - Central City - Murray - Cedar Creek - Wilsonville - Harrisburg - Table Rock - Sutherland - Nelson - Winside - Wood Lake - Beaver Crossing - Lincoln - Ulysses - North Loup - Inman - Milford - Plainview - Long Pine - Richfield - Herman - Linoma Beach - Cowles - Rosalie - Linwood - Saronville - Stella - Steele City - Stromsburg - Danbury - Kramer - Howells - Ericson - Scottsbluff - Pender - Elmwood - Farwell - Brownlee - Maskell - Holmesville - Dix - Huntley - Springview - Ithaca - North Platte - Anselmo - Unadilla - South Bend - Strang - Wolbach - Panama - Greenwood - Venice - Ceresco - Belden - Brainard - Hordville - Cedar Rapids - Malmo - Elwood - Harbine - Gothenburg - Kearney - Elgin - Filley - Axtell - Wellfleet - Gretna - Coleridge - Walton - Yutan - Red Cloud - Bow Valley - Harrison - Obert - Wilcox - Holdrege - Aten - Bruning - Palmer - Sargent - Gresham - Roseland - Deweese - Westerville - Verdel - Ponca - Grant - Salem - Comstock - Alexandria - Chappell - Martell - Bloomfield - Hickman - Platte Center - Stuart - Arnold - Johnstown - Poole - Broken Bow - Humboldt - Brady - Spalding - Prairie Home - McLean - South Sioux City - Henderson - Chester - Cotesfield - Wymore - Deshler - Cushing - Adams - Shelton - Fremont - Rushville - Whitney - Nenzel - Woodland Hills - Henry - Albion - Big Springs - Arapahoe - Amherst - Winnebago - De Witt - Swanton - Lorenzo - Gordon - Dannebrog - Leshara - Bayard - Ansley - Rogers - Cortland - Litchfield - Dorchester - Newcastle - Sarben, NE - Sarpy - Logan - Fillmore - Brown - Loup - Hooker - Howard - Hall - Cass - Cheyenne - Pawnee - Antelope - Webster - Nance - Keith - Saline - Perkins - Gosper - Gage - Keya Paha - Phelps - Lancaster - Chase - Banner - Wheeler - Furnas - Box Butte - Jefferson - Garfield - Merrick - Cherry - Dundy - Clay - Deuel - Colfax - Hayes - Sioux - Blaine - Dakota - Thomas - Saunders - Greeley - Buffalo - Hamilton - Nuckolls - Butler - Dawes - Frontier - Knox - Garden - Sherman - Rock - Cedar - Harlan - Boone - Sheridan - Platte - Cuming - Red Willow - Hitchcock - Scotts Bluff - Holt - Richardson - Burt - Boyd - Custer - McPherson - each county / city

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